In 1967 my father bought a Pontiac Catalina and a dingy old travel trailer and took his girlfriend, my brother and me on a road trip. Over the next 8 weeks we drove 13,498 miles, visited 51 parks, and saw wonders like geysers, redwoods, grizzlies, and the Summer of Love in San Francisco. The trip made an indelible impression, cementing my appreciation for the natural world and the American landscape. This summer Pamela and I hope to repeat the experience for our family.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pamela: Saturday Chores

Fallbrook, CA

We’ve had a couple days full of touristing. But now my mother is exhausted and the girls are still catching up from, as Jaden’s Smith’s character in Karate Kid says, “airplane lag.” I’ve got one day to do all the chores that still need to be done before we set out. Dave comes in at 5:00 tonight and we head to Vegas tomorrow morning.

The day starts with laundry. Rule # 2 on a road trip is to always make use of a washing machine when you have one. (Rule # 1 is similar, just change out bathroom for washing machine.) I have to test the air mattresses and make sure the pump I brought fits them. This is important because I’m way too old to even consider sleeping on the ground. They work! One more thing to cross off my list.

Next on the list is the tent. I unpack it from the shipping box and take it out on the driveway. Lark, Linden and I read the directions and begin assembling it. With only minimal snapping at each other, we manage to set it up. It’s big and roomy and goes up pretty easily.

Now it’s off to do errands. I leave the girls with books and emails to catch up on and head out. My first stop is to the local grocery store, Major Market. I love the aisles of wonderful Mexican delicacies so easily purchased here. This is one of the things I miss most about living in New England. When I finish up my purchases I notice the market has set up a grill in the parking lot. I stop for a couple of street tacos—yummy. While sitting at a picnic table in the parking lot I have a lovely chat with a man about his favorite ice cream in New England, Kimball’s. I’ll have to try it when I get home. I tell him about Herrell’s and then it’s off to Target, and Trader Joe’s.

Everything gets done in time to head to the airport.

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